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Item Database - Smoldering Hair Strand

Smoldering Hair Strand Icon #262426 According to old Xan tradition, a cloth woven with hair from a Smoldering Shadow would be passed down through generations as a protection blanket for the newborn. Wrapped in this cloth the child, not yet fully protected by the Source, would be invisible to predators.
JOBE scientists have found that the material used contained atoms and molecules with a natural frequency of vibration that when woven in a particular fashion would absorb most frequencies of visible light. They concluded that it was very likely that this would make the cloth invisible to some species.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count, No Drop
Can Carry
Patch 16.3
Change QL:
Value 50
Mass 0.2kg
makabey @ 2006-09-28 14:22
Needed in the 3rd leg of the "Inferno Tours" quest line. See
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