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Item Database - Fertilized Giant Chirop Egg

Fertilized Giant Chirop Egg Icon #20405 Chirops reach maturity in their second year, and remains fertile for 4 years after that. They lay one egg, which is kept inside their peculiar gas bag until it hatches. While the egg is fertile it's particularly susceptible to chemical changes, and it immediately tries to adopt to new environmental conditions.
Flags Visible, Has Multiple Count
Can Carry
Patch 15.6.1
Change QL:
Value 1000
Mass 0.2kg
sorin18 @ 2005-06-03 03:46
Where This Drop ?
jondahaudo @ 2005-12-06 20:06
I found one South Southeast of "the face"
Littlemedic @ 2006-01-23 17:00
I fertilized it! :D
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