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Item Database - Reanimator's Cloak

Reanimator's Cloak Icon #22892 This white cloak feels surprisingly comfortable despite it's cold appearance.
Flags Visible, No Drop
Can Carry, Wear, Use
Patch current
120 (interpolated between QL 100 and QL 150)
Change QL:
Type Armor
Slot Back
Value 15200
To Use User Intelligence >= 393
User Psychic >= 333 and
User Level >= 85 and
To Equip User Intelligence >= 390 and
User Psychic >= 330 and
User Level >= 85
On Equip User Texture Arms 245247  
User Texture Body 245261  
User Texture Legs 245262  
Chat Text The cloak feels cold to the touch  
User Modify Projectile AC 559  
User Modify Melee AC 480  
User Modify Energy AC 600  
User Modify Chemical AC 715  
User Modify Radiation AC 715  
User Modify Cold AC 715  
User Modify Poison AC 600  
User Modify Fire AC 559  
User Modify Sensory improvement 10  
User Modify Matter metamorphosis 10  
User Modify Biological metamorphosis 10  
User Modify Psychological modifications 10  
User Modify Matter creation 10  
User Modify Time and space 10  
User Modify Nano pool 22  
User Mesh Body robe  
On Use User Summon Item RAWH  
User Destroy Item  
Notumsurrrge @ 2004-04-06 00:22
avanza @ 2004-04-23 01:09
Get a Necromancer Cloak and a Pit Demon Heart from Crypt of home.
Use a Bio-Comminutor on the Pit Demon Heart and then use that result
on the Necromancer Cloak to get the this one instead.
AlfaEd @ 2004-06-24 09:52
Where is Cript of home?
moofi @ 2004-06-29 20:33
N of Broken Shores
Pironic @ 2005-03-05 05:27
525 Chemistry is needed to process the pit demon heart
450 Comp lit is required to combine the necro cloak and the processed pit demon heart

the first step you can get someone to process the heart for you... the result is not nodrop, but once u combine the processed heart and the necro cloak, you end up with a nodrop, so you need the complit to wear this
compufreek @ 2005-03-14 14:39
What kind of monstters (QL level ) are in Cript of home?
DJLost03 @ 2005-04-05 05:32
Big ones with nasty teeth and large spending limits on their credit cards
Darksied @ 2005-04-12 22:25
It says "On use" it summons an item. What exactly does it do?
TheFaint @ 2005-04-15 12:11
Its a levelling item. It creates a new one and deletes the old when you have the skills needed.. =)
Verc102 @ 2005-05-17 19:16
The "processed Demon Pit Heart" is really called "Indigo Carmine" and goes for 250K min. at this date in GMS
Verc102 @ 2005-05-17 19:24
err.. make that 2.5 Mil for an "Indigo Carmine" on RK1 :)
dienursleep @ 2005-07-28 21:20
how do you level the cloak
metastophele @ 2005-07-29 04:52
right click on it ;p
Jeff120 @ 2005-09-28 02:59
pter666 @ 2005-11-20 09:41
2.5mil is way over priced i mean a load of ppl go in coh to camp panthers and the others and get those otw and they sell 4 such price ,it makes me laugh its very easy to get
gdb2222 @ 2006-08-05 17:12
The pit demon heart is unique, so you can only bring one out with you on each trip to COH. To say that the heart is easy to get is true, but only for higher level characters who would need to pay for a warp into COH, or maybe for a team of lower levels. At the moment, the going rate for a warp is 500k creds on RK1. I think this goes some way to justifying the price.

I do see combos of pit demon heart and Necromancer Cloak being offered regularly on the shopping channels at around 3 mill, and I think they actually change hands in the region of 2 - 3 mill. I've sold a few at 2 mill.

This is omni on RK1. Clan or RK2 may be different.
Pokesmurf @ 2006-09-11 17:50
How much can you lvl this item?
Ilikebunnies @ 2006-11-26 04:00
lvls up to 150 apparently, with +11 to skills instead of +9 (huge increase, eh?)

White cloak, my ass. Stupid blue cloak. I'm wearing pajamas.
uldtot @ 2006-12-12 21:59
who can warp a char. into COH?
MixRin @ 2007-01-01 03:45
Jinzost @ 2007-01-24 03:23
i got mine pretty easy...

one org mate gave me the necro cloak, and another org mate gave me most of the money to buy the carmine =)

carmine was i think 1 mill in player shop for clan rk2

i dunno about the necro cloak, though ive heard that both of them together goes for about 2 mill
Niiise @ 2007-04-13 19:40
Just got it for 2M i RK2
gdb2222 @ 2007-10-04 15:23
The bio-comminutor gets used up when making the Indigo Carmine (as I found out to my annoyance when my ql 200 got used up).
gdb2222 @ 2008-04-08 19:55
Min ql 80 for the bio-comminutor by the way.
Satertek @ 2008-09-18 09:02
CoH needs a revamp now, the new Neleb's puts this to shame
enigmatia @ 2008-09-19 04:00
When I go in and camp for Gumboils, I usually bring a bag full of ql 150ish bio-coms and process the heart right there into indigo carmine, heart = unique, indigo carmine is not so that works if you have the TS needed.. also bringing a bag of 5slots with you helps too, since if you combine the Pit Demon Heart + 5 Slot Belt you get =
Anarchangelx @ 2010-04-09 04:59
An excellent suggestion, to tinker in the field

Only a QL 80 Biocomminutor is required, according to . I have personally tested a 104, so 150 is definitely not necessary.

Only a QL 80 Belt is needed for The Dantian Belt of Life, according to . I have not tested this. Others on Auno have reported that 5 slot belts work, but none have reported that 4 slots do not.

The Reanimator's is further upgradable to one of six varieties of the Cloaks of the Reanimated:
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