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Item Database - Nano Crystal (Waves of Numbing)

Nano Crystal (Waves of Numbing) Icon #42450 Nano Crystal - Empowering his attacks the Agent will when buffed with this nanoformula get a bonus to his damage output and also occasionally he will be able to trigger a Damage Over Time nano on the fighting target.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Tell Collision, Has Energy
Can Carry, Use, Eat
Patch 15.0.1
Change QL:
Value 1724650
Energy 1
Mass 0.1kg
To Use User Profession == Agent and
User Matter metamorphosis >= 1042 and
User Matter creation >= 1042 and
User Sensory improvement >= 962 and
User Expansion sets & Shadowlands and
User Level >= 165 and
User Specialization & Third
On Use User Upload Waves of Numbing  
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