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Item Database - Escape Captivation

Escape Captivation Icon #16216 When executed, this nano program shortens the duration of any Root nano currently affecting the fixer. The duration of any such nano will be reduced by 45 seconds.
Flags Modified Description, Default Target
Patch 14.7.1 15.0.1 15.5.5
QL 73
Crystal NanoCrystal (Escape Captivation)
NCU 18
Nanocost 285
School Space
Attack time 10s
Recharge time 3s
Range 1 m
Stacking order 18
To Use User Profession == Fixer and
User Psychological modifications >= 409 and
User Time and space >= 354 and
User Level >= 50
On Use Chat Text Your movement is less restricted.  
User Reduce Root 45s  
Spectral @ 2008-04-28 02:55
This can be bought in advanced stores.
Spectral @ 2008-04-28 02:55
This can be bought in advanced stores.
danglies @ 2009-11-23 09:53
This can be bought in advanced stores.
Chartax @ 2009-11-29 19:08
This can be bought in advanced stores.
arrix @ 2010-01-26 09:47
um no it cannot i just checked in the sup and adv shops and it is not there. i also checked more than one shop and not there as well.
fekal @ 2010-02-13 21:13
This can be bought in advanced stores. (At least in one of the them in Omni trade on Rimor, he he)
Shadraz @ 2010-02-24 07:58
It CAN be bought in advanced stores. The issue is that the name is "NanoCrystal" (no space) rather than "Nano Crystal". It therefore appears at the bottom (last nano as of today) instead of in alphabetical order.
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