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Item Database - Nano Crystal (Kamikaze Robot I)

Nano Crystal (Kamikaze Robot I) Icon #12225 Nano Crystal - The nanobots create the shell of a robot for the Engineer. This shell is temporary, and only lasts 5 minutes.
Flags Visible, Modified Description, Tell Collision, Has Energy
Can Carry, Use, Eat
Patch 13.4 17.6
Change QL:
Value 169000
Energy 1
Mass 0.1kg
To Use User Matter creation >= 203 and
User Time and space >= 203 and
User Profession == Engineer
On Use User Upload Does Nothing 1  
Nokken @ 2002-10-10 06:31
Does anyone know anything about this nano? How to get it or build it?
NoEvadesDiff @ 2002-10-14 06:12
there is a guide on it in the book store when it comes out. you do build it (A FIRST) and its a tough process!
Nokken @ 2002-10-16 03:56
Ok, thanks alot =)
estboy @ 2004-01-06 12:52
does it rlly do anything? :P
Sdloner @ 2004-01-19 21:35
Well ive seen the 2nd one in action on the test server. If it is a juggie (im not exactly sure if it was Does Nothing 2) then i sat there and watched it hit Tarasque for 50% of its health in one freaking hit. Id say its worth it even if it takes you a month of working on it for 12 hours a day.
estboy @ 2004-02-01 20:42
ooooo :-D so it does like 50% dmg no matter what amount of HP u got :D??
mrtrade @ 2004-03-01 20:31
where did u find Basic Mechanical Motion Drive ?
Triceratroll @ 2004-07-29 20:37
this item will never come ingame.. statement from FunCom.. :/
Username @ 2005-03-27 05:04
Username @ 2005-03-27 05:05
RobB @ 2005-05-04 02:51
You sure want to use a library as well, no?
bongbong @ 2005-05-23 17:39
Sucks, but then again the engi would have been insane if they had ever put this in game patched.
Ricazel @ 2005-07-07 15:53
Enginner2007 @ 2005-10-19 12:16
this bot doesnt exists.
Ricazel @ 2005-10-20 11:25
Its a really funny name on it :P
tegrere @ 2005-10-21 08:12
it was the kamakazi bot 1, which hit for fire damage. search for kami, and u will find a bunch of stuff. all the parts except for the basic mechanical motion drive are ingame, but without the drive, it is unbuidable.
Techboy @ 2005-11-07 20:22
quote znore, "irreparably bugged", lol
Maxdog420 @ 2006-01-18 21:35 the book you need right?
christy10 @ 2006-05-09 19:27
ok i just want to clarify-is it possible to make this thing or not?
Zuoxi @ 2006-05-23 02:56
No, it will never go live.
EvulPerson @ 2006-11-16 10:38
never ever never ever ever ever never never ever ever ever ever... that was difficult. lol
joshua512 @ 2008-10-29 21:19
You would think that they would take this FREAKING thing out of the Database since it doesn't FREAKING exist. I spent days an millions looking for this non existent Nano. DOES NOT EXIST.
Timmytank @ 2009-03-01 05:05
so is the nano store buyable dyna loot or mission reward? or a quest? "sarcasm"
Shutroth @ 2009-03-20 14:44
That's too bad it doesn't exist. it would have been fun in pvp.
yummytacos @ 2010-08-25 02:39
i want a ape shit bot would be fun to kill abby with >;-D
tazerboy @ 2011-05-14 22:02
what does it do?!? it looks like agood way to waste credz......
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